Five Eco-Friendly Household Items

I’m not going to lie, living enviromentally friendly is not always easy. Sometimes I have to say no to purchasing things I’d like to buy due to it’s packaging, or spend the time finding sustainable alternatives. We live in a world of single-use plastics, packaged everything, and all kinds of things that will end up in landfills and never decompose (like many wrapping papers, diapers, plastic bags- the list goes on!)

Sometimes I have to remind myself that never have I ever regretted making the time to find a sustainable option for an item. Not only does it feel good to give back to our generous planet (not to mention the next generation of humans), but I also feel it’s my personal responsibility to lower my personal level of waste. Not only is it a more conscious way of living, but it is a necessity if we as a species are to survive.

I read a study recently that said Canadians produce more garbage per capita then any other capita on earth!! Approximately 31 MILLION TONS of garbage is generated by Canadians alone each year!! That's equivalant to 6lbs of garbage PER PERSON, per DAY.

With all kinds of eco-friendly products on the rise, it’s becoming easier to find solutions to every day household items, so I’ve put together five simple alternatives to turn single-use household items, into sustainable and reusable solutions!

1. Wool Dryer Balls

I’ve been using wool dryer balls for a number of years now. Some of the benefits are that they’re naturally made (the ones I have are New Zealand sheep’s wool) , they’re a great chemical-free option to dryer sheets, they reduce and eliminate static, and can significantly reduce drying time- reducing energy and your hydro bill! Wool balls are also a personal favorite over PVC dryer balls because they don’t make noise bouncing around inside the dryer. When searching for the right ones for you, I suggest choosing a local company that offers minimal packaging!

2. Washable Make-Up Pads

One of my recent low-waste favorite’s are my reusable, washable make-up pads! I found these gems at my local low-waste Toronto hub The Bare Market (, and I absolutely love them! They’re made from recycled fabrics and easily washed- just toss them in a small laundry bag and voila, they are ready to be reused! As an additional cleaning method, I like to rinse mine with gentle soap under the tap after each use before they go in the washing machine. If you’re not in Toronto, or you’re looking for another option I suggest Tru Earth Bamboo rounds. (

3. Beeswax Food Wrap

A fantastic alternative to single-use seran wrap is beez wax wrap! There’s lots of different brands/companies that make this type of product, but I’ve only tried (and still use) Abeego (  These wraps last on average about a year with consistent use. Simply wash after each use with gentle soap and water, let dry, and reuse! This product is completely waste free. All of it’s ingredients come from the earth and will decompose when no longer needed.

4. Silicone Reusable Toothpaste Tube

Another gem that I found at the Bare Market in Toronto was this silicone toothpaste tube. They sell their toothpaste in bulk, by weight so I just take my tube there to refill! The cap easily screws off making cleaning before your next refill simple, and since using this tube, Ive found my toothpaste tube lasts a lot longer as I can get every last drop out of it. Here’s the one I use:

5. Stasher Bags

I can’t say enough good things about Stashers  ( Made completely from silicone, these bags are non-toxic, easily washable, and can be thrown in the dishwasher, microwave, oven, freezer, and great for on the go! I began using these bags religiously about 3 years ago and they still look like new even after so much use! The seal is great for storing anything with liquid, and they don’t absorb the smell of your food. Awesome product all around and worth every penny.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the thought of making lifestyle changes, try to keep in mind that change doesn’t happen overnight, or within our bubble of comfort. Small, baby steps can go a long way- for example, just imagine if everyone on the planet switched to a reusable coffee mug! Recognizing where we can grow and learn, and then once we know better, we try to do better. We’re all learning, we can all grow, and we can all do a little better.

In wellness,


Picture of Hilary Boucher

Hilary Boucher

Hilary lives in Toronto, Ontario with her Fiance Ty, and their toy poodle Elu. When she's not assisting her clients, Hilary loves spending time in Northern Ontario (where she grew up) with friends and family. Hilary offers a variety of manual and movement services, courses, and continued education geared towards the ever-expanding minds and life-long students.

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